My Linux journey started sometime around 2014, when I installed Ubuntu for the first time. I started with Cinnamon, then I used Unity until it was discontinued and I switched to OpenSUSE with KDE in 2017. That worked for a few years, until one day, I saw a video about configuring i3. I spent an afternoon playing around with it, but when I relogged back into KDE, it felt sloppy and way too round, like coming out of a cave, blinded by the sun. Since then, I haven’t tried coming out of my cave ever again and Super-Shift-Q
is baked into my muscle memory deeper than breathing.
I love ThinkPads and since switching to them, I am physically unable to use a computer without a reasonable trackpoint. My current daily drivers are a T440p for home use and X230 for school and when I need to carry it on my back (the T is proper heavy).

I like to put everything into Git, so I have a dotfiles repository on Gitlab with most of the config files I need to get a system up and running. A list of packages and an automatic installer is currently on my todo list.
I also play around with a Synology NAS and my latest adventures involve Home Assistant.